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_In all the discussions about idolatry so far, single fact is that God hates idolatry of any kind. Yesterday’s devotional told us that God punishes all idol-related offenses. His dealings with His chosen race, the Israelites, reflect in punishing them any time they turn from Him to worship idols. Any individual or nation that turns completely from God to other gods, in any form is an idolater and God punishes such. Idolatry turns people from righteous living. All the nations worshipping idols have same dominant characteristics. These are seen in their idol worshipping, rebelliousness to God, ritual sacrifices, fornication cum adultery (called temple prostitution to please their gods) and unnatural sexual practices like sodomy as well as making love with beasts. God punishes all these type of practices.

As seen in the scripture, all the nations living in the Land of Canaan were idol worshippers and have same kind of sins amongst them. Idolatry always comes first. The Bible referred to them as the Hittites, the Amorites and the Canaanites. Others are the Hivites, the Perizzites and the Jebusites to mention but few. The most outstanding punishment of God over idol-inclined nation is empowering another nation to attack them and uproot them (see Duet. 28: 63 – 68). God commissioned Joshua to attack and destroy all the Canaanites because of this idolatry (Deut. 6: 23-25)._ There is need to point out here that idolatry leads people into rebelling against God. Most races who hate Christianity are those with marked obedience to idols. The spirits of idols always make people to rebel against God knowing well that this makes God to destroy them easily.

This happened to the Israelites on their ways to the Promised Land. At a point, they rebelled against God, refused to follow Moses further and said they will choose leaders among them who will lead them back to Egypt. God was vehemently angry and wanted to kill all of them. Even though Moses pleaded with God and God had a change of mind, He still made them miss their ways for 40 years so that all within the age of 20 years and above should die in the wilderness (Num. 14: 11 – 12, 28 – 29). _This tells of two things. One, idolatry can be punished with untimely death. Two, idolatry can cause set back to any nation or individuals. Agreed that we of this age are enjoying God’s grace through Jesus Christ; but His stand against idolaters is still in force. Every one of us His children and servants are to do ourselves favour by avoiding idolatry.


1. Pray that God drop hates for idol worshipping into the minds of Christians in Nigeria and the entire world in Jesus name.

2. Pray for God’s forgiveness of sins of idolatry in the hearts of Christian Leaders and Church Workers in the name of Jesus Christ.


I receive divine power not to serve any man-made god in the name of Jesus Christ.


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