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As seen in yesterday’s devotional, ‘stolen water is sweet’ and ‘bread eaten in secret’ are explained to mean doing all we can to steal, syphon monies, get married to someone with hidden aim to destroy the partner later, so to convert the wealth to personal use and other related sinful manners. The actions have dire consequences in later days. King Solomon used metaphoric illustration of “stolen water…” referring to water stolen from people’s private wells and fountains to drink. It was custom of the wealthy Israelites to dig wells and fountains as water is too scarce in Israel. Stealing the water has dire consequences if caught. Same with bread stolen to be eaten in secret. The bread may appear good outside but full of gravels in the inside. All these point at telling us that any good things desired and schemed to get by personal evil methods will end up in deadly situation.

We are indeed living in the world that honours sharp practices of any form. We feel that a deed done is done with; without thinking of what follows afterward. Many people place their minds delightfully on how to treasure riches and wealth from the government, from individuals and the general publics to be enjoyed privately. Such wealth and riches are stolen waters and bread eaten in secret. Others targeted religious organizations; stole their properties, monies donated even offerings. Those who have done so have deadly experiences to tell us today. It looks sweet to lie to get, to kill to achieve and to squander to spend secretly; but a day comes when all will turn to gravels in the mouth. But to Christians who revere their Almighty God, sharp practices to gather treasures for pleasures are prohibited.

The book of Proverbs offered beautiful admonitions about this to Christians who thirst for righteousness. We are not to lie in any form to get rich and wealthy. Christians are told that “Tainted wealth has no lasting value, but right living can save your life” (Prov. 10: 2 Africa Study Bible). It is better to note as Christians that “Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows overtime (Prov. 13: 11 Africa Study Bible). This passage says we are to avoid “get-rich-quick schemes” because the end result is deadly. As much as possible, we Christians must stay away from getting treasures by lying tongues. This is another explanation of “Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel” (Proverbs 20: 17).


1. FATHER, thank you for this revelation. Help me out of every tendency that says that getting rich by lies are good; enable me to pursue righteous riches in Jesus name.

2. Grant me gift of diligent character to earn my riches and wealth decently in the name of Jesus Christ.


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