In the past two days we have been talking on leading with the fear of the LORD or leading in the ways God will be happy with the leaders. As said from the previous discussions, so many leaders these days, lead as it please them without recourse to how God would have wanted them to lead.
The dominant feature in these days’ leadership is mostly leading with impunities void of the fear of the LORD. We are still seeing more ways godly leaders lead people. Every sincere Christian knows self as a leader in Christ, therefore, the demand on them to lead in godliness. As Christian, it is a registered principle that leading is servant-leadership as seen in Matthew 20: 26 – 28. It is a disobedient act for any Christian leading and sees self as a lord over others, treating them like slaves.
Godly leaders lead with upright hearts and guide the led with skillful hands knowing that the failure of those they lead is a minus for them. A godly leader knows self as a shepherd and not a lord. A shepherd leader cares for those under him/her, protects them and leads them with skillful hands (Psa. 78: 72 Africa Study Bible). Leadership is presently abused as leaders become greedy, self-centered, morally and spiritually corrupt as well as been removed from the pathetic conditions of those they lead. A godly leader rules with the mind of God which makes him/her avoid selfishness, not looking for personal gains or interests against the good interests of those under them (Eph. 2: 2 – 4).
Godly leaders easily respond to peoples’ problem taking the style of their Leader, Jesus Christ. Jesus responded to so many problems of His followers, be it sickness or diseases, general lacks, ailments, hunger etc. For instance, He fed 4000 and 5000 people respectively (Matt.15: 15 – 21, 32 – 39). He responded to the problem of the young man marrying in Cana of Galilee (John 2: 1 – 10). Godly leaders always concern themselves with problems affecting their communities. Nehemiah is a good example here. He found favour with King Artaxerxes who took the Israelites into captivity. Yet he was so concerned with the pathetic condition of his people in Jerusalem as well as the dilapidating condition of the walls of Jerusalem. The beloved, we can see how far distant our present leaders are from godly leadership. We Christians must return to godly leadership.
FATHER JEHOVAH, I refuse to be a mere leader looking for what benefits me alone. Grant me grace to be an exemplary godly leader in Jesus name.