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Yesterday’s devotional closed with the mentioning of people too overfamiliar with God that they took God’s instructions with levity; believing that the God they know will not be angry with them for doing that. Naturally, downplaying God’s commands and instructions can be dangerous. Memory should not fail Christians from knowing that Moses’ refusal to speak to the rock, who eventually struck the rock cost him not entering the Promised Land (Num. 20: 1 – 13). He might be too familiar with God believing that the other time he struck and striking the second time would still be alright with God. Apostle Peter demonstrated another kind of overfamiliarity with God. Jesus told him he would deny Him (Jesus) three times before the cock crow. He took the saying too common and refused to pray (Matt. 26: 69 – 75).

Many Servants of God still behave like Apostle Peter. They are comfortable in their hearts believing they are above satanic powers to cause them fall. They behave carelessly with opposite sexes. Some of the male servants of God sleep with ladies and married women at will. Others are just out to extort their followers under the disguise of prosperity even when they manipulate and trick people into giving. They are seen pursuing their own interests yet with comfortable minds that God approves of their doing; because cannot punish anyone who has repented and confessed Jesus as his/her personal Saviour. They are proponents of ‘eternal security.’ They no longer look at the scripture that says: “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10: 31).

Some Christians today behave without recourse to the Judgment Day. They are very familiar with God that nothing how evil they engaged in reminds them of God’s Judgments. They feel so free and boast that God is too merciful and loving that He could judge His own so as to send them to hell fire. The like of Ecclesiastes 12: 13 – 14 that says: “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil” (NIV). The beloved in Christ, in which ways do your lifestyles portray overfamiliarity with God?


FATHER, I reject dwelling in my own mind doing what I feel is correct believing that you love too much. Kindly assign to me angel of righteousness who will keep with the confines of your commandments. I pray this in the name of Jesus your Son.


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