We studied yesterday how living free of death every day of our life is a miracle. The intention of the devotional is to make us know that placing high premium importance, in other word value, to living and enjoying lives is very needful. There is this phrase which says: “If not for God my situation would have been worse than what it is today.” As said in the devotional yesterday, everything God does for us is great miracle and has to be valued and appreciated. Many people never knew that we all receive God’s miracles every day. Praying and getting what we prayed for is miracle that should be valued. We must show God gratitude for answering our prayers. Hannah did exactly this (1 Sam. 2: 1 – 2). Breathing in and out as simple as it appears is miracle that has to be highly valued and appreciated.
If not for God, you reading this devotional would have been consumed, either by physical enemies, satanic afflictions, hunger or other forces which have the potentiality of taking away your life. It is unimaginable seeing and hearing some people grumbling and murmuring against God for unfair treatments upon them. These groups of people refuse to place values on all God has done and still doing for them. Their attitude reflects that they never knew God as a Being in charge of their affairs in life. Against all the troubles King David passed through, he saw his total life as “being wonderfully and fearfully made” (Psalm 139: 14 KJV). As read in David’s expression, moral wisdom demands we see every stage of life we pass through as great miracle and place great value on what we have as great miracle that has to be expressed in grateful spirit.
There cannot be a more suitable period to take inventories of great wonder works of God in our lives as miracle than between December of one year into January of the preceding year. The thrust of this devotional is that, valuing each stage of life a miraculous time means a lot to God. There can never be an exhibition of ignorance and ingratitude towards God than refusing to value His mercy and love shown in order than we live healthy and safe every day. As we journey through this December, let it be our mark of faithfulness as we take records of God’s provisions, protections and preservations upon us. Let us do this by singing to His great name, praising Him in the beauty of His Holiness in thanksgiving. God will surely pour upon you much blessing.
Pray and ask God to fill your mind and heart with clearer judgment over His works of miracles in your life. You can keep singing and praising God ceaselessly all through this December.