Yesterday’s devotional ended with a question of what ways can you trace God’s sovereign hand still preparing, reshaping and protecting you? This question is pertinent due to how mankind generally feel insecure in the presence of danger and its attendant fear of not being within the divine coverage of God. As a matter of truth, Psalm 91 tops the most popular Psalms people consult for divine protection and deliverance from enemies of any kind. Passages of life will not be completely free from natural and spiritual obstacles. God knows every rough road along our ways and traps set by our fowlers to trap us down. Amongst His plans and purposes, He has provided escape routes for us in all.
The beloved, I cannot agree that you have given up on yourself as you entered the month of December and have journeyed into this ninth day? The God who King David said: “Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilences…” is still faithful. I might not know the nature and the frequencies you have fallen into unpredictable circumstances; God whom the Bible said: “He shall cover you with His feathers and under His wings you shall take refuge, His truth shall be your shield and buckler…” (Psa. 91: 4); will still come for your deliverance. As Christians, absolute trust that the next minute is my time of miracle is key that lock off satan from convincing us that God has forgotten us in His plans and purposes.
The beloved, do you not know that it is God’s purpose to keep you till He visits you with His plans and purposes that you survived January through the other months into this December. Becoming sorrowful and desperate over one’s expectations has resulted to one missing God’s purpose at the last minute. Please fill your heart with rejoicing Spirit and keep singing songs of praise and appreciation to God. The fulfilment of His purpose for your life is very close. I remember a girl who came to me many years ago crying for been told she did very well for security job interview but cannot be taken. I told her to go and sit in my office and be thanking God. She did. Less than 15 minutes the security office called the mother to tell the daughter to come over. Today she is a very senior officer in the Job. You will be the next to testify this December.
Use Isaiah 60: 2 and pray out every darkness and gross darkness uses in covering your destiny to evaporate and let your destiny begin to shine as from today in Jesus name.