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In contrast to vain worship is true worship. True worship is any and every expression of obedience, praise, honour, adoration and gratitude offered to God by a regenerate soul based on a heart fully broken by the Holy Spirit. There could be shades of worships but there is a particular worship God seeks to see in the life of human beings. This is the worship from the realm of the Spirit and truth. Part of our lead text above reads: “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the father in Spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth” (John 4: 23 – 24).

Discussing on the topic of “true worship of God” is like swimming across an ocean, too large to attempt. However, some facts have to be picked in devotional form for the three days beginning today. The true worship must come from the Spirit because the God we worship is Spirit. The lips, mouths, hands and the entire body of worshipers ought to be drenched with Holy Spirit content to worship God in true worship. There is no how a carnal person can worship God faithfully. *True Worship is from Spirit to Spirit processes. The Bible has said, that “The deep calleth unto the deep…” (Psa. 42: 7 – 8). Though this phrase talks about grave sufferings of King David’s experiences (Psa. 42: 7); it could mean, by spiritual analogy or leading, that this is pointing to Spirit relating with the Spirit worship processes.

True worship is God-centered worship. We will miss the real point about worship if we tend to credit worship by the nature of music being sung, how people must receive the worship and the place of the worship. Heart to God worship could be what Jesus meant by “…true worshippers will worship God in spirit and truth (John 4: 24). True Worship will lose its credibility if the worshippers worship with expectation of something in return. Christians are to be careful never to worship God out of obligation as that displeases God. Like giving Praise and thanksgiving, rendering worship to God is rewardable when it proceeds out of heart and lips greased by the Holy Spirit. If you reading this devotional think praise and thanksgivings have not given you enough rewards, try true worshipping in this December.


Blessed Father, by your mercy and grace, grant me access to worthy worship that gives express good results today in the name of Jesus Christ.


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