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The devotional of yesterday tried to explain what true worship of God is all about. Christians are to know that true worship has the source, object, location and the nature of the worship. Today’s devotional will, among other views explain what these subheadings mean and their places in true worship. The source of true worship is God the Almighty Jesus said that no one cannot come to Him unless the Father who sent Him draws such a person to Jesus (John 6: 44). Same goes with true worship. God is the author and initiator of true worship. God in His Sovereign authority does allows the Holy Spirit to minister Spirit-soaked worship song upon individuals to make the worship a true one, because God is not only a Father but a Spirit (John 4: 24; Col. 1: 15).

The objects of vain worshippers are found among idols, images, inanimate beings and human created gods and goddesses. All our worships have to be directed at God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to make them true worships. The Bible is clear about directing our worship to God alone in Exod. 20: 3. Exodus 34: 14 stated clearly that “…for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous God”. Born again Christians must know that been born again makes them carriers of the Holy Spirit. This makes them become Temples of the Living God (Eph. 2: 21 – 22). They are thus, meant to be objects that convey true worship to the Higher Object of worship who is the Almighty GOD.

Today’s devotional is closing with what the nature of true worship should be. When we read through John 4: 24, we will see how Jesus Christ defined the nature of true worship. He said that the nature of true worship is “Spirit and Truth”. Our worship of God must be Spirit filled, build around the true knowledge of God as the scripture reveals. True worship has to come out of the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and not mechanically composed or cloned from the evil world. Until our worship is wholeheartedly from spirit filled hearts it can never be true worship. Christians are to ensure this is embedded in their worship all through this December month.


Father, I hate rendering to you, vain worships. Grant me the grace to always worship you in Spirit and in Truth in the name of Jesus Christ.


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