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There was this married woman credited with a story of never saying thank you to anybody till her death. She was married to a man surrounded with brothers, sisters and relations who are lovers of human beings and generous to everybody. As many of them who helped this woman in one way or the others she never even in dream, appreciated them. The very day she was helped will be the very day the person who helped her will be insulted and spat on the face._ *She was naturally wicked and hardened. Everyone around her hated her because she was out rightly ingrate. Generally unthankful attitude is akin to ingrate and wicked people, who deliberately refuse to know God as seen in Rom. 1: 21 that says: “Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship Him as God or even give Him thanks…” (Africa Study Bible).

Being an unthankful person not only annoys God but human beings close to the person who never sees reasons to tell someone else “Thank You.” It is a great thing to be a thankful person. Being a thankful person should be seen a great virtue. A thankful person in earthly family receives blessings from almost every member of the family. Those Christians who do not appreciate the wonderful works of God around them should study attributes of a thankful person and emulate that individual because it pays to be thankful to God all the time. At times it looks like the worldly people know the principle of being thankful than the children of God. Many Christians are too anxious and worrisome over their circumstances. Attitude of worrying has never generated thankful spirit but a joyful heart does. This could be reason Apostle Paul admonished in 2 Thess. 5: 18 “Always be joyful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (Africa Study Bible).

It is important to identify few things which make a thankful person. As Christians, let us pick the first thing from the Bible. A thankful person is one who always recognizes God as author of good things. This makes the person sees everything from God worthy of appreciation. A thankful person is one who celebrates all of God’s blessings around him/her no matter the nature or size. An ingrate hardly sees the value of what is done for him/her but not a thankful person. A thankful person is one who does not put eyes on what others have but always contented with what he/she has. The Bible says “…contentment is a great gain” (1 Tim. 6: 6). Thinking of what one does not have is a sign of ingratitude.  One Ernest Hemingway said this: “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.” The beloved, let us build ourselves into thankful people on what we have.


FATHER GOD, I want to have a change of attitude toward you today. I now value all you have given me in this world as great gifts. Accept my appreciation in the name of Jesus Christ.


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