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Nothing denies a person favour like ungrateful character and nothing brings favour upon someone like a thankful attitude. See one who always says “Thank you very much” in everything and see who is consistently blessed, blessed of human beings and blessed of God. Talking of a thankful person involves looking about one who is not jealous of another person’s breakthrough in life. He or she knows that God who blesses Mr. A will certainly bless Mr. C at an appointed time. Today’s devotional is not restricting her scope to Biblical references but brings in secular knowledge for better knowledge on the topic of studying. Being a thankful person means being grateful. You can be grateful to God, to yourself and to the people around you. King David saw his been invited to the house of the LORD as an opportunity, so he said: “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go to the house of the LORD. (Psa. 122: 1 KJV).

Today’s devotional is giving some clues on how to be a thankful person.(1) In order to being a thankful person, one has to choose focusing attention on what is good again and again. This involves focusing on beauty, focusing on what is charming, earnest and generous. This gives one sound mind. Grieving, sorrowing and living with bitterness make the heart dried of thankfulness. (2) The thankful person is one who notes gladness in any hard challenging moment. When our perspective is focusing on positive gestures from God and people, we will be appreciative and thankful. (3) For us to be thankful to God or people, we must learn how to maintain a fresh outlook every day. Fresh outlook influences the heart to rejoice and be glad naturally.

As Christians, we are to be thankful to God not only on things He has done for us but things He has done for others around us. If it is Biblical to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who are rejoicing, then, it is applicable to be thankful to God for His goodness around other people.Apostle Paul and the members of his team became thankful to God on behalf of the Thessalonica Christians because they were flourishing in faith (2 Thess. 1: 3). In the earliest days of Christianity, Christians rejoiced together when others in different denominations are making exploits in the gospel. Apostle Paul was thankful for the kind of Christian Titus turned out to be (2 Cor. 8: 16).Today’s devotional looks forward to seeing the 21st Century Christians being thankful of one another’s growth in faith.


O LORD GOD, grant me a generous heart to live a thankful life, even for the successes of people around me in the name of Jesus Christ.


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