Our devotion yesterday opened us to seeing how we are fearfully and wonderfully created. Also, showed us the observation of an observer who wondered why God is so mindful and so diligent in creating human, this special and differently than other creatures.
Today’s devotional, will touch very few selected parts of our bodies and tell how amazing ways they function. This is to make us realize the great works God carried on us and to generate thankful spirit in us that will make us remain grateful to Him at all times. We studied the simple reason we are fearfully made yesterday, how God made us to be feared by all other creatures. Today, we will on the surface, look at how wonderfully God positioned us above all creatures as well as how some parts of our bodies function amazingly.
God created us and placed all other creatures under our feet to have dominion over them. He made us little lower than the angels, meaning after God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angels, we are the next in His organogram. He also made us to have dominion over all the works of His hands (Psalm 8: 6 – 7 NKJV). In our bodies, God made veins of different sizes carrying blood to thousands areas of our blood systems. It is said we have 34 main veins and many smaller ones in our bodies circulating blood to various parts of them. It is said that if the veins are to be put end to end, the length will be about 60,000 miles. This is about 96, 561 kilometers long approximately._ Apart from this, we have between 600 to 650 muscles in our bodies responsible for our different movements.
These will make us appreciate God on hearing them. A square inch of our skins contains 20 blood vessels, 65 muscles, 78 nerves, 78 sensors for heat and 13 for cold. In this square size skin, is found 650 sweat glands, 1,300 nerve endings and about 19, 500, 000 cells. Our brain weighs about 3 pounds only; but stores up to 100 million bits of information from various senses in the body. If one lives up to 70 years he/she would have received about 100 trillion bits of information into the brain. With all this, the brain uses energy less than a 100watts of bulb. The heart, in summary, beats more than 3 billion times in an average lifespan. At age 70 years, the heart had beaten about 2.5 billion times. It is calculated that the heart beats around 100,000 times a day. My beloved, the information here is enough for us to be thankful to God praising Him ceaselessly. Stop murmuring and grumbling from toady.
Please try speak gracious words to God today for creating you this fearfully and wonderfully. Say something like the words below.
BLEESED FATHER, thank you so much for creating me excellently and wonderfully. You created my body more uniquely working every day mysteriously. How great are you Jehovah my Father. I will, as from toady be telling the world the good works you have done for me. Be thou exalted above the heavens and the earth. All praises and honour be to your holy name in the name of Jesus Christ.