As seen in yesterday’s devotional, God Himself established legal institution principally on the foundation of realistic integrity. Realistic in the sense that any other form legal institution is handled otherwise negates the actual focus God has in mind when asking Moses to appoint judges and judicial officers. The principles of legal institutions touched yesterday informed us that legal integrity is not only the cornerstone of legal system but is very essential for maintaining public trust. God desired that legal system must be well trusted and should not be biased or partial. Like Jehovah God who does not have respect on people, judges and judicial officers, by virtue of integrity should not give preferential treatment to people.
The lead passages today include actions that can be tantamount to abuse of legal integrity. In Isaiah 5: 20, God frowned at people calling good evil and calling evil good. Doing this is purely misplacements of injustices over justices. The Bible says thus: “Woe unto them that call good evil and evil good; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (KJV). The second passage talked about some certain legal personnel who give wrong judgments by freeing the guilty ones but condemn the innocent people. This passage says that: “Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent, both are detestable to the LORD” (Prov. 17: 15 Africa Study Bible). Truth remains these days that many legal institutions and personnel are guilty in what these passages are saying.
If one should focus periscopes of integrity on legal activities these days; there will be found, unethical rulings, biased judgments, compromised against righteous judgments by supporting the guilty ones against the innocent people. These ugly circumstances were very minimal in the first centuries of the world. These abysmal phenomenons are slaps on the face of legal integrity. The world is hearing these days about “corruption in the judiciaries” because the enviable integrity in the legal system has been fundamentally compromised. Many legal luminaries have traded their integrity for money or other gratifications. The world of today must strive to bring back integrity into the legal system. This series will be concluded with the “Supremacy of Integrity in Life tomorrow.
Pray that God should empower those legal personnel still on course of legal integrity with grace to be heard as they are crying out against corruptions engulfing legal integrity globally in the name of Jesus Christ.
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