AFRICAN HERITAGE ACCORD [AHA]: Tracing African Identity and Reinventing their Dignity

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  21ST JUNE,2019 A TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY KNOWLEDGE MILL INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE [KMI Institute] The Knowledge Mill International Institute in collaboration with the KMI Inc. USA and KMIF. Nigeria presents the African Heritage Accord [AHA] Inaugural Colloquium and Cultural Festival to hold in Austin Texas, USA from June 22nd to 27th 2020. Knowledge Mill International is non-profit and non-governmental organization, with global perspective on sustainable development, International Friendliness and World Peace. As configured, KMI’s Mission and Strategic direction embraced Education, Community Development and Social Entrepreneurship. KMI’s work creates enabling environment for positive change and empowers people and community of interest to rise from misery as depicted in illiteracy, poverty, endemic diseases and ignorance to a life of self-sufficiency, self-determination and a place of realized potentials. In line with our commitment to the ideals of international friendliness and global peace – A World reconciled to itself , we authored the AHA concept , articulated to offer practical and enduring healings to the infraction and vestiges of slavery, especially the festering wounds of identity of crises, prevalent in the global community of people of African Descent. For over two decades, the International Community via the United Nations and through codifies conventions and resolutions, had continued consciously to address issues of Racism, Racial Discriminations, Xenophobia and all forms of prejudicial intolerance directed to victims of slavery especially the people of African Descent. The Durban Declaration and programs of action provided a comprehensive UN framework and solid foundation for combating racism. Among other things, it acknowledged that the people of African Descent were victims of slavery, the slave trade and colonialism and continued to be victim of their consequences. This therefore set the state for the global efforts to restore the rights and dignity of this unique and distinct group of people. Consequently, in 2014, the UN General Assembly, in order to consolidate the gain achieved via the Durban Programs of Action and Regimes of Conventions, crystallized its global assault on continual inequalities by passing resolution 68/237, which declared 2015 to 2024 as the International Decade for people of African Descent, with themes of Recognition, Justice and Development. This declaration gave the KMI Global Initiative the impetus to accelerate the development of AHA into an on the move vehicle for Social Reform and Global Peace . To accede the UN urging and mandates expressed in the declaration, the KMI Global family began to plan and implement Cultural, Educational, and Social Programs, that are committed to upholding human dignity and equality for all, hence the AFRICAN HERITAGE ACCORD [AHA] INAUGURAL COLLOQUIUM AND CULTURAL FESTIVAL, planned to debut in Austin Texas in June 2020. The AHA Project and Event with the thematic platform of “A world Reconciled to itself” and a sub theme ‘ African Identity Determination’ is part of the global commitment and joint efforts to achieving a healthier, more equitable and peaceful world. We believe that the time is now to engage a broad and renewed global collaborative partnership to address these challenges and promote Identification, Reconciliation, Restoration and Renewal on one hand and Justice , Development and Recognition on the other for the people of African Descent. The event will feature: √• Lecture by fresh voices and proven luminaries on the Subject matter √• Cultural Exhibitions and Exchanges √• Economic and Entrepreneurial Promotions √•Youth Empowerment and Students Exchange Opportunities √• Municipal Government Interface and Cooperation Program √•A Tripartite Offspring Reconciliatory Summit [Homeland Africa; People of African Descent in the Diaspora; Slave Merchants and Master] √•DNA mapping Workshop for ethnic and ancestral identification √•AHA Award and Recognition for achievers within the global Community of the People of African Descent and others who distinguished in roles for a better People of African Descent. Representatives and delegates are expected from the global community as they relate to Governments, Civil Society, Media, Academia, and Business. Others include Students and youth movements, Cultural and Social Organization and Faith based entities. The African participation is key in this process, the historically involved sub-region of Central , Southern and Western Africa from where most slaves were taken at a time are to place key roles in this process. Traditional, Cultural, Political, Religious and youth leaders from these sub-regions will play in the needed reconciliation parley. As envisaged, the AHA project and summit begins the process required to cleanse the ‘ Augean Stables’ of our time. It will be an annual event convened indifferent cities and nations across the globe. The overall goal is to full identification for all People of African Descent. In the process restore cultural affinity, ethnic and spiritual renewal, which eluded this group for than 400 years. And to have a World Reconciled to itself via the new civilization paradigm and renaissance of Recognition, Reconciliation, Renewal, Justice as fairness and Peace on Earth. Signed: KMI Institute June 21,2019

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