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Yesterday’s devotional, while explaining the name of God as El Hakkadosh, we were told of the attributes of God attached to the name. The background of the name is attached to God’s anger over the rebelliousness of people of Israel against him. God used proverbial word for how He lovingly created the Israelites likened them to “vineyards that produced good grapes.” God’s desire was for the vineyard to turn out good grapes and good wine. But it turned out to be producing bad grapes. In plain language, God did everything for the Israelites waiting for them to be behaving holy and righteous because He is a “Holy God” an El Hakkadosh. This message was given to the Israelites for them to change from their evil ways and begin producing fruits worthy of God’s rewards. In other words, God wants us hearing this message to be different in a special way by setting ourselves aside so as to live above the evil practices of the community we live with.


Another lesson from the name is to accept that Jehovah El Hakkadosh is higher and greater in all things than any human. There is nothing we can do on our own that can redeem us from the hands of the evil ones, except we know Him and believe in Him as “One of a Kind.” His might, power, authority and doings have no equal. Under God’s name as El Hakkadosh or Kadosh, we must know that God has unique authority and power to bring earthly man low and humiliates him no matter the power and authority such a person is exercising. This should remind Christians to fear only Jehovah El Kadosh. We are in the world that seems going against God by maltreating, hating, killing and oppressing His children. By His name “El Hakkadosh” as God of Holiness” He knows when He will deal with brawlers, the revelers and ensuring the might of the arrogant people are humiliated (Isa. 5: 14).


When we say that “The Holy God” as El Hakkadosh stands for “set apart” or “Separated” we are not saying He set Himself apart as in the process of sanctification. God is “a sanctifier” whose grace enables us to sanctify ourselves. However, we as Christians must improve our life style to set ourselves above others within our communities. We must endeavour to build ourselves into good and sweet grapes instead of behaving like the Israelites who knew God as El Hakkadosh, “the Holy God,” but turned to produce only sour grapes. They had become corrupt and unrighteous. It is arguably true that ordinary man cannot “cultivate personal holiness,” through own power. But Jesus said He is the vine, and we are the branches (John 15: 5 – 6). If we stand on Jesus, we will draw holiness of El Hakkadosh of El Kadosh from Him, and bear fruits of holiness and righteousness!


Holy God, you are perfect in holiness and you are righteous! Yet you have given your Son to make sinners holy. Help me to live holy life that produces the fruit of righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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