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Yesterday’s devotional hinted on how not to please people unreservedly as such ruins one’s reputation, or cause dangerous compromise. Readers were told yesterday that Moses’ glory that God planted on his face kept fading under the veil he wore to enable the Israelites meet with him regularly. When the glory started fading, Moses’s effective leadership began to diminish. Only Moses knew this but his people did not. Many persons have had their riches and wealth gone as they set their minds to pleasing people continuously. The devotional is not against assisting people but is of the opinion that pleasing people void of wisdom could be harmful. There was a story of one Local Government Chairman who lost his term due to giving helps and assistance to his church and church members. When it was discovered that he had committed fraud and arrested, the church and the members disowned him and deserted him.

Back to Moses, what happened to him had happened to many servants of God. Theirs might not be using veil but by becoming too simple and close to their female or male members who wear pathetic faces seeking for help. Getting too closer and too familiar had cost these servants of God have their glory covered with sin-veiled anointing. When sin of fornication and adultery are committed, the servant of God involved starts wearing faded anointing deceiving other members. Servants of God reading this piece should take note. You have pleased the desire of that lady or that young man; but the glory is gone.

Christians are in the generation when evil people wear righteous faces seeking partnership in businesses or begging for favour. Most problems will come from Pastor and churches raising funds for church projects. Issue here is, those willing to please these beggars are always receiving invitations for donations. Many Christian business people have had their businesses wrecked down by these groups of fund raisers. All the devotional is saying is applying caution over your gift of giving. The Bible says that “A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished” (Prov. 22: 3 ESV). It is wise to consider your steps before heading on to help one looking for your help for the Bible says: “The simple believes every word, but the prudent considers well his steps” (Prov. 14: 15 ESV).


MY FATHER MY GOD, grant me Spirit of prudency that will equip me with wisdom on how to help people that will not end me in regret in the name of Jesus Christ.


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