DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JUNE 27 WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN GOD IS PRUNING YOU? (2) SCRIPTURE: John 15: 1- 3; Heb. 12: 11; 2 Cor. 4: 16; Job 22: 2

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In the first series of this devotional, published June 20, we learnt that God prunes us as grapevine farmers do to grapevines. Jesus Christ used this horticultural process for our becoming Christians in John 15: 1 – 3. Our pruning by God goes beyond the Holy Spirit’s processing us through repentance and sanctification. God prunes us through discipline by taking us through pains, hopelessness, loss of jobs, protracted illnesses etc.The pruning process would look as if God is cruel to us and loves seeing us suffering.

As told in the first series of this devotional, there are blessings after God finishes pruning us. If a wealthy person, for instance, became born again and still places his trust in the riches and wealth, God would make him lose all. He does this to make the man empty and humble so to serve Him better. If God wants you to serve Him and you have a lover in the world, who distracts you from serving God faithfully; He will take the life of that lover for you to serve Him properly. A very proud individual who God wants to use would be passed through debasing experiences to drain him/her of the pride.

The Christians, who know that things do not work for them for good as thought, but God allows those things happening to them for good, handle afflictions in good fate. King David says in Psalm 103: 19 that “The Lord has made the heaven His throne; from there He rules over everything” (Africa Study Bible). Thomas Watson said in his book “All Things For Good” that “affliction is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruits”. This devotional goes with Thomas Watson when he penned that “Affliction yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness” (Heb.12: 11). In stressing the importance of God’s pruning, Thomas Watson further said: “Affliction is a highway to heaven; though it be flinty and thorny, yet it is the best way. Poverty shall starve out sins; sickness shall make grace more helpful (2 Cor. 4: 16).” Let us also go with the thought of Eliphaz, one of the friends of Job who was with Job in his sorrowful days.

Eliphaz advised Job to acquaint himself with God in his suffering so that he (Job) will be in peace and in so doing good things will come to him (Job 22: 21). The word acquaint here can be simply said to mean “to know personally.” Hard times help have personal experience with life and God. When we are suffering afflictions, it is better to develop a habit trying to learn something positive and personally. If this is done, reasons for the circumstances will prop up. This helps one embrace peace at heart and wait for God’s involvement in the problems. He prunes us because of this. Your blessing will surely come!


GRACIOUS OUR FATHER, keep my life safe while I journey through your pruning processes. May I see my blessings at the end of my tune of darkness in Jesus name.


I take on the garment of afflictions in faith and hope in God. My blessings are closer!


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