DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: July 15 Topic: IF YOU CAN SEE IT, YOU CAN HAVE IT (2) Scriptures: Gen 13:14-17

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Whatever God has started; He will finish it. Always keep your vision in front of you. What you consistently see, you will achieve. Whatever you can see, God will give it to you. The reason some people are stuck in life is they’ve got their head down. They focused on their problems, what they didn’t work out, who hurt them etc. God is saying, look up, “look up from where you are.” Don’t sit around depressed, discouraged. Get a new vision for your life; put some new pictures in front of you. All that you can see, God says he’ll give it to you.

Abraham had just gone through a major disappointment and he had to start all over. He lost everything he had worked for by leaving his kindred. His nephew Lot chose the best part of the land, and he had to move on. I’m sure he was down, discouraged, thinking,” God isn’t fair, how come this happened to me”? God said, “Abraham, look up from where you are, for all the land you can see, I will give it you.”

Don’t stop believing, every time you see your vision, you keep thanking God that it’s on its way. If you will do this, God is going to be bigger than you imagined. He’s going to take you to where you could not go on your own. I see God opening doors for you that no man can shut. He is going to do what medicine cannot do. You need to get ready, every dream, every promise; every goal God has placed in your heart shall come to pass in Jesus Name.

Don’t allow your vision to be limited by your environment. Get out of the rut; be determined to break the jinx that had held your family hostage for generations. “If you can see the invisible, God can do the visible “. You’ve got to enlarge your vision. Your parents may have reached a certain level, but God wants you to go further. There should be something you’re dreaming about that’s too big for you to accomplish on your own. Something that you are not qualified for. It’s going to take God’s favour and God’s blessing to bring it to pass.

Life may not be fair, but God is fair. You got to shake off the disappointment; your life is not over because somebody left you. Forget the past mistakes, stop weeping, dream another dream, get in agreement with God, one day instead of just having the dream, you will be living the dream. What you will see will become a reality in Jesus Name.


My father and my God, what I’m dreaming about is too big for me; I lack the qualifications for what I’m looking for. By your favor and blessing, bring them to pass in Jesus Name.


Lord, I believe that whatever you have destined me to be, that is what I will be.


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