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The Bible has said that “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3: 23). This statement cannot fit more in any areas of human behaviours than having built up preconceived mind of being betterly placed than others around oneself. Every human being has the inclination of assessing others less superior or less valued than he or she. Most often, we develop attitude of having “adverse” (unfavourable) preconceived judgment or opinion of someone else. To some certain degrees, we all have innate tendency of believing we are better human beings than others from another tribe, nations, ethnic or of high intelligent or have better birth rights than others. English people give this behaviour one word which is “prejudice.” Human beings display attitude of prejudice in all aspects of life, knowingly or unknowingly. This devotional will however, dwell on “spiritual prejudice”.

For better understanding of what Spiritual Prejudice might mean, the simple meaning of the word “prejudice” has to be looked into. The word “prejudice” came from two Latin words which are “Prae” meaning ‘before’ and “Judicium” meaning ‘judgment’. Usually, this judgment is based on wrong opinion of one being judged. When we finished judging someone as inferior, without first establishing any fact, we are being prejudiced. When we feel we are better human beings or our culture is more superior than any other person we meet, we are being prejudiced. We meet this attitude as we travel round the world meeting different people. The Whites, the Blacks, the Red Skinned and other coloured nationals see or treat others prejudicially inferior and even untouchable. By this, we have racial prejudice, ethnic prejudice, social prejudice, religious prejudice etc.

Obviously, we Christians operate under spiritual prejudices towards each other in the supposed same faith. As a matter of fact, religious or spiritual prejudice has been responsible for so many dichotomies amongst Christians; interdenominational biases and doctrinal errors rooted to prejudices have made people outside the Christian clime disdain Christianity. Apostle Paul was confronted with this sickness among Christians in his missionary period. The lead passage today came from Apostle Paul’s experience. Paul tackled the situation by telling Timothy to let the people under his ministry to “…observe these things without prejudice…” 1 Tim. 5: 21 NKJV). This means doing things with others without bias attitude or partiality. The more we relate with fellow Christians in prejudice, the more we are adjudged sinners, therefore, remain short of God’s glory upon ourselves.


Gracious Father, reveal to me all actions which carry the semblance of “religious or spiritual prejudice” in my life. Cause me to disdain them and turn away from them in Jesus name.


I receive grace to purge myself of possible traces of prejudicial attitudes in my life. Hallelujah.


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