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Yesterday’s devotional showed, amongst others, how spiritual prejudices worked against Jesus Christ in His days on the earth. It manifested amongst the Disciples of Jesus Christ as well as the earliest believers. It is still in force today. Today’s devotional points out more areas spiritual prejudices are being exhibited by Christians. Take a look into Christians’ denominations and see how segregationally they see themselves. They hardly embrace each other warmly whenever they meet.They feel one’s doctrine is godlier or more authentic than the others. You could see display of superiority towards the others. The so called interdenominational fellowship members segregate against other members of interdenominational fellowships.

Under spiritual prejudice, most of the orthodox churches do not see the Pentecostal, Evangelical, Prophetic, and the New Generational tongue speakers as real Christians. Those in the Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Apostolic, Prophetic etc., see the Orthodox Christians as not too loaded in the Holy Spirit. Amongst the billions of ministers, leaders and workers in Christian churches, spiritual prejudices are seen as some see selves holier than the others, more talented and gifted than others as well as more educated in the matters of doctrines than others. Some of those leaders in the Orthodox churches referred to the Pentecostal and others as noise makers, while those in the Pentecostal and her associates referred to the Orthodox churches as people with “docility in Spirit.”

Spiritual prejudice is spread to some not believing in ordination of women into ministerial body of their ministry. There is segregation amongst ordained ministers of one denomination and others. Hardly will one see, for instance, a consecrated Bishop in Pentecostal Ministry given recognition by Orthodox Churches. Many Pentecostal, Evangelical, Apostolic, Prophetic and Anglican churches find it difficult giving their pulpits to one another easily to preach from. By spiritual prejudice, we feel and believe our ministry altars and pulpits can be contaminated when another Minister whose source of anointing is not known climbs upon to preach. The chain continues. Mega Churches and their members think their Jesus and God is the most original. Some of their Ministers and choristers do not accept invitations from the less populated churches.

All exercises of prejudice are discriminatory through outward appearances which God kicks against it: “But do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Sam. 16: 7 NKJV). If God looks at the heart of man, why is it that we look judgmentally, the outward appearances of our fellow Christians?_ Next devotional deals with “Reducing Spiritual Prejudices in churches. We Christians have to accept every one of us who have become Christians and united with Christ in baptism, putting on new clothes in his righteousness void of discrimination. We must therefore, accept each other as one without prejudices (Gal. 3: 27-29).


Think genuinely and sincerely into your mind and detect whatever seems a spiritual prejudice in your life and pray it out in Jesus name. Ask God to renew the hearts of His children world-wide over spiritual prejudices in Jesus name.


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