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Yesterday’s devotional traced ways Abraham earned himself a friend of God. He accepted what God said, believed and trusted God totally, abides in God’s laws and willingly gave God everything. Today’s devotional takes a step further to touch few other ways one can become a friend of God.

Firstly, one becomes a friend of God when he or she develops ability to separate self from all nature of friendship with the world. These talks of refusing to do all that the worldly people do so as to belong to them. We must refuse to entangle ourselves in anything that pollutes our good characters and good habits (2 Pet. 2: 20).

Secondly, one has to be intimately connected to God to become His friend. Intimacy refers to close relationship with God in an unbroken communication and fellowship with Him. A friend who always stays too far emotionally, spiritually and physically from a so called friend is not friend. We must have marked lifestyle of being with God from our heart and diligently seek for His living inside of us.

Thirdly, if one wants to become a friend of God, develop genuine obedient to Him. We have to take everything God tells us to be and to do obediently. He who wants to be God’s friend must be ready to obey Him to the letter. Jesus told His Disciples that the only thing which will make them be His friend is to obey Him (John 15: 14).God’s instructions and commandments are not for discussions; they are to be obeyed.

Lastly, to mention in this series on ‘How to Become God’s Friend’ is having reverence for God. This is what the Bible means by “The Fear of the Lord.” Reverence for God must be the watchword of anyone who wants to be God’s friend. We must hold God in highest esteem. Our respect for God must not have equal in this world. We see in Psalm 25: 14 that: “The LORD is a friend to those who fear Him” (Africa Study Bible). One who reveres God, is he/she who fears to offend God through wrong doing. Such always ends up being godly. This makes God to accept that individual as friend.

The challenge this devotional is throwing to Christians of today is developing the lifestyle that will make them become God’s friends and children. We must learn how to be intimately connected to Him, be complete obedient to His words and instructions as well as holding Him in highest esteem.


1. ALMIGHTY FATHER, I do not want to be your child alone. I want to be a friend to you. Kindly grant me the favour to be your child and intimate friend in the name of Jesus Christ.

2. BLESSED JESUS, how many of your followers in the world presently can boast of your follower and your intimate friend? Graciously grant all Christians power to become your friends and the friends of our Jehovah Father.


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