The easiest ways to taste the bitter wrath of any authority; be it secular or religious, is refusal to comply with its constituted authorities. Every authority has laws; moral and social, that disregarding them willfully is met with the subsisting or proscribed punishments for such offenses. Refusal or developing disregard attitudes to constituted authority is disobedient act against God. As secular laws have specific punishments when disregarded so are spiritual laws. The punishments for disobeying the laws vary according to their interpretations. However, the most reward for out stunning disobedient act is destruction. Specifically, this disobedient act is refusing His Fatherhood and turn to worshipping other gods.
Amongst Christians or the children of God, one of the worst sins against God is forgetting God and then follow other gods. When we refuse to follow God and choose to bow down for other gods, God rewards with destructions. Moses explained this to the Israelites in the lead text of this devotional. Because the Israelites left God and went after the gods of their neighbors to bow down to them and worship them, Moses testified against them (the Israelites) saying they will surely be destroyed for not obeying the LORD. This has been what God does with individuals and nations from the Old Testament days.
The present age must be warned about God’s position on disobeying Him, especially now that many people have turned their minds from God and turned themselves to worshipping other gods. God still rewards the world with destructions through many circumstances. The present age should be told in black and white terms, that God rewards disobedient act with destructions.
Christians are not to compromise with children of disobedience, but to warm them of impending destructions meant for those who disobey God. This devotional is with a conviction that the natures of destructions through floods, wild fire, hurricane, volcanic eruptions and related incidents seen these days will not be far from disobedient acts of people towards God. He is surely rewarding the world with destructions using other people to execute His judgments on the world with destroying the world.
MIGHTY GOD, convince the world of its sins of disobedient acts and convict it of her sins making her to repent in Jesus name.