In the devotional of yesterday, we were told that there were unique or specific ways Jesus walked while in His days on the earth that Christians who say “I abide in Him” should walk. It is considered important to know what the Bible means by walk the way He walked. Facts stand, from ways many Christians behaved, that walking the ways Jesus walked has become a big problem to Christians as most of them who proclaim being His followers hardly walk as He had walked. As said yesterday, the walking as Jesus walked is in living the exact living styles of Jesus. Amongst many Bible editions, it is Amplified version that stated this clearly. It says: “Whoever says he lives in Christ, that is whoever says he has accepted Him as God and Saviour ought as a moral obligation, to walk and conduct himself just as He walked and conducted Himself” (1 John 2: 6).
Ways Jesus walked while on the earth are so numerous to reproduce in a medium such as this. Jesus lived a clean, righteous and upright living till He was crucified. There is nowhere in the Bible that the Bible said: “And Jesus sinned against the Lord” like some of the Kings or the Priests of the Old Testament. Jesus did not commit immoral sin with the ladies who followed Him and formed part of the most supporting personalities of His ministry. He walked about respecting God His Father and therefore, did everything righteously so as to please His Heavenly Father. Jesus went about healing the sick and delivering people under satanic attacks without extorting anybody. Jesus never lied to anybody or lived double standard type of life.
The early Christians most accurately walked as Jesus walked and taught their followers to do same. Reason Apostle John spoke thus in 1 John 2: 6. Apostle Paul touched many ways Christians should live victorious Christian life with emphasis of not continuing walking according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit nature (Rom. 8: 4, 12 – 13). Many Christians are still living according to the age within which they live. Apostle Paul admonished the Christians in Ephesus not to live that kind of life (Eph. 2: 2). They are not to keep walking as the nations they live with or after the unbelievers they live with outside how Jesus lived with them (Eph. 4: 17). This devotional believes that if every Christian walks after the walking styles of Jesus Christ the world would have accepted Jesus Christ faster than what we are witnessing these days.
ALMIGHTY FATHER, I want to live daily and walk about blamelessly, in righteousness and uprightness all through my life time on the earth. Kindly grant me the grace to walk as Jesus walked in Jesus name.