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The world encases two major groups of people character wise. There are those who do things that majority of the people around them approve their actions as good. There are those others that do things that bring cry, pains and sorrows to people around them. Those doing things goodly are referred to be the “Righteous people” while those doing things that hurt and cause pains to others as “The Wicked People.” The righteous ones do the work of righteousness while the wicked ones do the work of wickedness. In relative terms, referring to someone as “wicked” is difficult as the wicked ones see what they do as good and worthy due to the frames of their minds.

The Bible which Christians use shows that a wicked person is one who does wrong and unacceptable things in the sight of man and God. The wicked is one who ignores God and His commandments. The ways of the wicked is the way to destruction (Prov. 13: 33). The book of Psalm, Psalm 10: 2 – 10 gave summary of a Biblically wicked person. By this Psalm, anyone who is arrogant going about haunting down people is a wicked man. A wicked person boasts about, reviles God, proud at heart, refusing to seek God. The wicked people go after prosperities in an unrighteous ways sneering at their enemies saying God can do them nothing. The wicked people lie in wait near villages ambushing and murdering people.

There are so many things wicked people do against the ethics of the society. *Whoever go about at night breaking into homes, robbing people ought to be a wicked one. Anyone who forcefully rape men or women who goes as far as murdering the person is a wicked person. Those duping people or using technology draining people’s monies from banks are wicked. Anyone that does thing that people condemn and rain curses upon such a person ought to be a wicked person. This devotional is not on the profiles of the wicked but on the punishments which will surely come upon the wicked. The Bible said that we are to be assured that the wicked shall not go unpunished (Prov. 11: 21a). This statement means the wicked people cannot escape being punished Christians are advised to check their ways of life if there is any wicked act and repent of it.


FATHER GOD, check my inner life and see if am being wicked in any way. Forgive and re-equip me with righteousness so as to escape being punished in the name of Jesus Christ.


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