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We studied yesterday how God desires that human beings have intimate relationships with Him; but in reverence and respect. God has ever frowned with not relating with Him in reverence as our Almighty Father. He aired out His anger in Malachi 1: 6 saying: “A son honours his father, and a servant his master. If then I am a father, where is my honour…? (ESV)” Yesterday’s devotional said such behaviour takes its root from behaving too familiar with God. That is getting acquainted with God till we begin to treat Him less than an earthly father or master. In the days of Malachi, the Israelites became too familiar with God that they placed defiled food on His altar, brought blind animals to be sacrificed to Him as well as offering to Him crippled or diseased animals (Mal. 1: 7 – 8).

These days, many Christians are behaving too familiar with God to the extent they boast knowing God personally than every other person around them. They will be heard talking on how God met them in their bedrooms physically, placed His hands on their necks or shoulders. These groups of people are too close to God that they know His next line of actions. Those too familiar with God would tell the world that God never regards any of their action as sin or God no longer sees their actions as evil. Many these days are too familiar with God that He meets them in their parlour on Sunday days to chart with them physically. These groups of people do not attend fellowship or church services in churches any more. These days, many Christians will be seen in churches pacing up and down, going out to answer phone calls or answering calls in the church feeling big above others.

Those within these groups never cared to know that God’s presence in every church altar that must be respected and honored. Overfamiliarizing with God shows in how we handle God’s given assignments to us these days. We handle God’s assignments the way it pleases us. Many Christians no longer carry out God’s instructions given them the ways God wants it. God’s instructions are meant to be carried out exactly as He instructed. Only those reverencing His name do this. Refusing to carry out God’s instructions due to being too familiar with him is tantamount to pride. This type of behaviour makes God to distance Himself from us. The Bible says here: “Though the LORD is great, He cares for the humble, but He keeps His distance from the proud” (Psa. 138: 6 New Living Translation).


BLESSED FATHER, have mercy on me and fellow Christians in any area we have misbehaved towards you in overfamiliarization attitude in the name of Jesus Christ.


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