As seen yesterday, tradition of men is that tradition that favours those who constituted it like human laws (legalism) created for the comfort of those who made the laws. Worldly leaders want those they are leading practice what they are told exactly against what God wants. In the days of Moses, God commanded children to honour their parents, this include taking care of them with gifts. In the days of Jesus a tradition made to circumvent this law by introducing “Corban”. With this the Priests in the Temple stop the rich and wealthy youngsters from helping their parents. The wealthy and rich youngsters are told to be donating to the Temple treasury alone. If their parents ask for help they should tell them “Corban!” meaning they have donated to God.There is this Pastor, as the story said, who told his members to stop giving financial aids to their parents, but giving all they have to church projects and seed faith.
Man-made tradition poises to spoiling the minds of the people by building philosophies and vain deceits after the rudiments of the people constituting the tradition. Apostle Paul advised his hearers to beware of these people (Col. 2: 8). By what Jesus said in Mark 7: 13; we can conclude that tradition of man bear instructions which make the word of God non effective. Some Senior Pastors and General Overseers allegedly discourage their members from reading books and religious literatures written by other pastors except those they have written. They told their members not to attend other churches’ leadership conference because they would be contaminated spiritually. Christianity is actually facing tough time because of the negative roles traditions of men are playing in churches these days.
Most of the Interdenominational Ministers, in order to keep their members around them, barred them from going to any church for worship on Sundays, directed them not to watch other preachers on Cable Networks except them. The beginning of Christianity was not like what we are seeing these days. There is this Pastor who told a married woman to be on fasting, attending night vigil every night till pregnancy comes. She is not to sleep with her husband except the Pastor. The woman was on “Spiritual Mountain” till the marriage packed up. This is against the word of God. This devotional stands to say that tradition of man has destroyed the good side of Christianity. Those who know their God as the only Almighty are to look away from these traditions of men. The word of God is the answer!
HOLY SPIRIT, teach me the genuine word of God and enable me treasure it in my heart in the name of Jesus Christ.