The word, appreciation, by Dictionary definition, means amongst many tributaries of the meanings is “expression of gratitude.” A broader definition says appreciation is “recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people or things.” People who easily recognize the quality, value and significance of what is done for them or given to them are always full of appreciation. These groups of people express gratitude over even what seems to be very small, quality or quantity wise. However, there are people who never value what is done or given to them. They hardly express gratitude for anything done to for or given to them.
Lack of giving appreciation to whom the gesture comes from usually block those who lack in saying “thank you” from further gestures. When we appreciate people who show us kindness or do us favour the likelihood of us receiving more is assured. In the secular world, company directors who give rewards and awards to employees as appreciation end up having great turn out of productivities thereafter. The employees in turn appreciate the gestures extended to them by putting up more efforts passionately, on what they are doing. The very costly perfume in the Alabaster jar used on Jesus by Mary Magdalene was good example of how to appreciate (Matt. 26: 6). Jesus had casted out seven evil spirit from her life previously.
There is need to know that Jehovah God also expects word of appreciation from us His children. We must recognize the quality of life, place high premium on the values of things and the significances of daily blessings, protections of our lives as well as the foods and drinks He enabled us to be enjoying from January to December; mostly all through the month of December every year. King David talked about this saying: “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 105: 1 – 3 ESV). Today devotional asks readers to reflect their minds on how much of protection, preservation, showers of love and out pour of Mercy God has given since January and convert them to appreciating for the rest of December.
Pray and exalt the name of God for His love and mercy He bestowed upon you from the month of January into this December. In verbal statements, tell God how much you value all He has done for you in the name of Jesus Christ.