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Today’s devotional comes to make it clearer for readers, the nature Christians’ New Year Resolutions ought to be. We may write New Year’s Resolutions on improving our business out fits, seeing how to dress well, on praying three times a day like Daniel or fasting one month in every quarter of the year. But if things to write do not reflect what is really in our heart, we may fail doing what we intend to change. The Psalmist told God in the first lead passage above to “Search me, O GOD and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me. And lead me in the way everlasting”. Christians who write New Year’s Resolution should be able to ask God first to search his/her heart and tell him/her what resides in the heart so as to make effort to change.

Asking God to search our hearts and know our thoughts is critical to enabling us know exactly what to write as our New Year’s Resolutions be it improving on our lives, businesses, maintaining good relationship with our spouses etc. There is no gain saying that many people writing New Year Resolutions know in their hearts that they will not abide by it. Humans usually relate with people deceptively, yet they feign their good lifestyles. But, God discerns every heart and mind. This falls in line with the second lead passage. God told Jeremiah that the heart of man is deceitful above all things… and that He the LORD searches the heart and test the mind.

As Christians; and knowing that God knows our hearts and minds contents, it will be very glorious to write our New Year Resolutions by first knowing how to ask God to tell us what He sees in our hearts and minds. Christians should know that with God all things are possible, this includes making us change from things affecting our progress, spiritual growth as well as what makes us fail in businesses. This devotional believes that it is only when we base our New Year Resolutions on what God wants that our resolutions will work out useful fruits. The beloved, the direction of God for our devotional this year is to bring integrity back into Christianity. Therefore, we will be spending more times on divine integrity.


Gracious Father, reveal to me today, what I am not doing well, or what I should have done more better and enable me write workable New Year Resolutions in the name of Jesus Christ.

CONTACT US: You can contact us for prayer requests or discussion through ubasimon341@gmail.com

We will be resorting to Hope Weekly Devotional from second week of January.


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