Christians have over the years copied or borrowed several customs, cultures as well as celebrations without knowing the spiritual implications against their faiths. Some Christians believe that whatever many persons are doing ought to be good, therefore, entered into doing same. One of such is New Year’s Resolutions. Principally, New Year’s Resolutions were kick started by non-Christians. Over times, people began writing things which are neither consistent with genuineness of Christian practice nor could be accepted by God. Many have criticized the thinking of people who wrote New Year’s resolutions in a mockery ways. Some deliberately keep doing what is judged bad habits into December 31 put up till the eleventh hour then write their resolutions.
Christian who is to write New Year Resolutions should do it out of repentant mind with remorse for sins committed; if the resolutions are for turning into doing good things. The first published document for New Year Resolutions was that written by Anne Halkett on January 2, 1671. She was a Scottish writer. Part of her statement was “I will not offend anymore”. She might had offended many and gotten hurt by her actions. The tone of her statement sounded like one striving to change to good behaviour. Christians could write such New Year Resolution for turning a new leaf. The Bible says: “He who knows what is good and fails to do it, to him is a sin (James 4: 17).
It is unchristian attitude to live in a faked life. Writing New Year’s Resolutions knowing fully well you cannot keep to them is more of living a fake life. Writing New Year’s Resolutions and dump them is like putting your lies in prints. This could be dangerous as it could lead to death. The Bible says God destroy those who tell lies (Psa. 5: 6). For Christians, New Year’s Resolutions are to be seen as covenant promises for them to be acceptable. This devotional is of the opinion that Christians’ New Year Resolutions should aim at reformation of bad attitude, ugly habits and questionable characters. If you, reading this devotional, have written your resolutions outside this point made, you can still amend them. Divine Integrity is talking here.
Kindly check up your habits, characters and attitudes religiously and see those that are worrisome to you as a Christians. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into writing resolutions that are in consonant with God’s words.
You can contact us for prayer requests or discussion through ubasimon341@gmail.com
PLEASE NOTE: We will be resorting to Hope Weekly Devotional from second week of January.