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Yesterday’s devotional closed with a quote from one Katrina Mayer revealing that “integrity is all about making sure that the things we say and things we do must align.”If every human being is guided with this quote, things will go better in this world. This quote seems to tilt more towards the politicians. Earliest centuries’ politicians matched their words with their actions than what we are having these days. This devotional is of the view that what made the earliest Christians stayed away from politics was the dots of falsehoods contained in politics then._ The falsehoods look like having gained monumental peak these days. It has become too hard for politicians of these days to align their promises with their actions. There is no integrity in a person who said “Yes” and there after comes to say “No”. This agreed with Jesus’ word: “Let your yes be yes, and your no be no” (Matt. 5: 37).

In the earliest days of this world, many politicians had respect for accountabilities. They feared to embezzle public funds, trade with public monies and deflate their nations’ economy. Some do not use their political offices to open personal businesses or using public funds to buy shares in companies just to uphold their integrity. Politicians in the earliest centuries knew, as said in Romans 14: 12 that “…each of us will give account of himself (ourselves) to God” (ESV emphasis is mine). There is no gain saying that most of the 21st Century politicians have become so depraved that awareness of facing God for what one does after the earthly life means foolishness.

Until integrity is brought back into politics, the world will never see comfort and peace in existence. One unknown author of an article in Transparency International defined political integrity as “exercising political power consistently in public interest, independently of private interests, and not using power to maintain own wealth and position.” By this it means any politician ruling and running offices outside public interest is against political integrity. In line with political integrity, electoral processes ought to be handled transparently without deception and falsifications of results. Politicians should know that enriching themselves with public money never set good standard in life. Any politicians who failed to set good standard policy ought to be seen a failure. _This devotional wishes to tell politicians, according to a quotation from one Ray Kroc that “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.”


Let us pray for political leaders to identify true political standard benefitting the general public under them so as to pursue good interests of those they lead in the name of Jesus Christ.

CONTACT US: You can contact us for prayer requests or discussion through ubasimon341@gmail.com


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