As we might have seen so far, the political systems worldwide have been seriously destroyed by self-interests giving ways to leaderships of wickedness and insanities. Leadership by self-assertion and self-appointment is going on in the world these days, either directly or by intringes favouring sit-tight leadership. Any of these mentioned negates political integrity. History books are filled with stories of political leaders forcing their ways into power without recourse to God’s approvals. Fact remains that whether we like it or not, the Bible said that nobody comes to power without God’s approval (read Rom. 13: 1). Self-appointed leadership must always be resisted, especially when taking over power without good leadership plans.
The politicians who killed people, either secretly or openly to get hold of leadership positions, lack integrity. Those who do so are merely recycling war and further revenge. Political offenses produce long term enmity than anything else. Our Lord Jesus Christ said “Whoever kills by sword will die by sword (Matthew 26: 52). There can never be integrity in the heart that kills or sponsors killings of innocent ones. Again, let it be mentioned that self-appointed leader that derides the position of the Almighty God could end up in death. King Herod Aggripa was eaten up by maggots because of this (Acts 12: 23). This devotional believes strongly that if politicians begin to leading and ruling people in love, transparency, uncompromised justices and touching the lives of the poor ones, most of the wars and attritions going on in the world these days will be minimized.
Any politician with self-centered policies works outside political integrity because his/her conscience will surely be sired with hot iron. This means he/she will be doing things void of feeling bad emotionally, about people under him/her. There is, according to one Philip Johnson, “traps that have jaws of steel” for such a politician. Philip Johnson wrote in his quotable quote that: “For those who find themselves more concerned with how much money they can accumulate for the sake of wealth alone, who find themselves stuck like glue to materialistic possessions that mean more than their personal integrity or their contribution to their fellow human beings, these traps have jaws of steel.” Politicians who are concerned with much money, accumulations of wealth alone and materialistic possessions mostly end up in the “jaws of steel” of the laws. Possession of integrity saves one from stepping upon these traps of the jaws of steel.
1. Pray to God to save the world from the politicians whose minds are on how to be rich and wealthy to the detriments of the people under them in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Pray too that, the religious leaders caught in the webs of accumulation of riches and wealth undermining the needs of the less privileged under them should have a change of minds in the name of Jesus Christ.
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