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Vision can be defined as an experience in which you see things that does not exist physically. Vision can be said to having an idea or mental image of something. If you are going to receive favour from God, you must enlarge your vision. You can’t go around thinking negative, defeated, limiting thoughts and expect God to bless you. If you conceive the thoughts of receiving God’s immeasurable favour in your heart and mind; you will receive it. Make room for increase in your thinking.

As seen in (Matt 9:17), anyone who puts fresh wine into an old wineskin, however, is asking for trouble. The old wineskin has assumed a definite shape and is no longer pliable. It is fixed and somewhat brittle. The activity of new wine will stress it beyond its ability to yield. And so both the wine and the skin are lost. We can’t put new ideas into old mindsets; we can’t get new results with old behaviors.

(2 Cor. 5: 17) “Therefore, if any man be in Christ; he is a new creature…” You cannot have a larger life with restricted attitudes. Get rid of old negative mindset that holds you back. How can you believe that you are not among those to be blessed by God? Why have you relegated yourself to the background with the mindset that nothing good can ever come your way? (Isaiah 43:19) “See, I am doing a new thing …Do you not perceive it?” Today, God is ready to do a new thing in your life; God want to promote you, He wants to increase you, and to bless you beyond your imagination. The question is, are you making room for those blessings in your thoughts? Do you believe God for an increase? Are you planning to excel at your job? It’s time to enlarge your vision.

Total dependence on God plus Hard work plus determination plus diligence plus new concept plus of sound business ideas, equals to success in life.

PRAYER POINTS: (2 Chro. 4:10)

Pray the prayers of Jabez thus:
• Oh, that you would bless me indeed.
• Enlarge my territory oh God.
• Let your hand be upon me.
• keep me from evil.
• Help me not to cause anybody pain.


I release all old unproductive thoughts and feelings and let them go.
I change my thinking now from lack to plenty, from illness to health, from the old me to the new me in Jesus Name.

CONTACT US? You can contact us for prayer requests or discussion through ubasimon341@gmail.com


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