Yesterday’s devotional showed two things the prodigal son embarked upon which wrecked his destiny. These are impatient and false self-confidence. While impatience makes us over shoot ambition that ruins destiny, false self-confidence brings shame when one failed to live what is claimed to be. Christians are not supposed to walk by impatience and false self-confidence. Christians are to wait patiently on God in good hope while pursuing life endeavours. Christians are not to falsely advertise themselves, building false self-confidence on selves for pride. We are looking at more things the prodigal son did that almost wreck his destiny. The first today is selfishness.
He manifested selfishness: A selfish person is one who has excessive regard to himself or herself alone. Such a person wants everything to himself or herself. The prodigal son manifested spirit of selfishness in this story. He asked for his “good portion” of his father’s properties out of selfishness. He parked all his father gave him and walked away without giving anything to any of his father’s servants serving him. It was not mentioned if he gave his senior brother parting gifts as token of love. There is no way God will keep His blessings on a selfish person for long. The Bible cautions us on doing things from selfishness and empty conceit in Philippians 2: 3. Most selfish people seek great things for themselves. God spoke to Prophet Jeremiah to tell the Israelites not to seek great things because He (God) will bring disaster to any who does so (Jer. 45: 5).
He separated himself: The prodigal son separated himself from all his relations and went to a far country. Separating self from people who can advise, encourage, direct guide one through issues of life always end in disaster. The young boy disassociated himself from his father, brother and friends. This contributed majorly for his living recklessly and wasteful living. The Bible says that “Two are better than one because they have a good return from their work (Eccl. 4: 9). This devotional feels that if John the Baptist did not separate himself from Jesus, he would have saved his life. It was surprising that John the Baptist sent to inquire from Jesus if He (Jesus) is one sent from heaven or he (John) should still wait for the one to come (Matt. 11: 3). There was not reference of when John the Baptist met with Jesus after his Baptizing Jesus. The beloved, may you not separate yourself from God or those God brings on your ways to make you!
Pray against any external influence that will cause your separation from your family people who have means of building up your destiny in the name of Jesus. Pray and ask God never to allow you separate from the source of your destiny In Jesus name.