As seen yesterday, the verbal proclamation of “I am obedient to God” or “I am a faithful and obedient servant of God” might mean nothing to God. Obedience to God is in showing it; that is acting and living it, not as an outward glorification of self, but for total submission to God’s authorities. Today’s devotional is still building on yesterday’s devotional for emphasis’ sake. In practical term, obeying God is keeping His commandment out of love on Him. This was pointed out in yesterday’s devotional. One other thing said yesterday was that, obeying God or showing God obedience is not that simple because at times, it demands for taking a risk that may be very dangerous. We can see how Daniel and his three Hebrew brothers prefer to die rather than worshipping image of King Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 3: 13 – 18).
Showing God obedience is not easy in the sense that it is a constant battling with doing only what God wants us do against those things our flesh or forces beyond our powers would want us do. We Christians must be seen restraining ourselves from doing what is acceptable to the world’s system that is against God’s standard of behavourial specifications. To retrain means to hold back or keep under control. We hold back our natural urges or keep ourselves in control never to offend God by compromising worldly desires. Our LORD Jesus Christ exercised showing God obedience by accepting God’s plan for Him to die so as to save the world. Jesus saw the horrible things He would pass through before dying while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, yet He asked God to have His (God’s) will be done (Matt. 26: 39).
The devotional concludes here that, showing God obedience can cost us whatever we cherish or value greatly, including our earthly life, if that will be what God wants us to have it done. This is because anything done to show obedient to God has great reward from Him in the future. Abraham received unlimited reward of father of the nation by showing God obedience when he agreed to offer Isaac as burnt sacrifice. Jesus Christ won His position of Lordship over every other name in heaven and on the earth by allowing Himself to die on the Cross, so as to save us from everlasting life in hell. God placed His name above all other names in heaven and on earth that at the mentioning of His name other earthly powers bow for Him (Eph. 2: 10 – 11). Beloved brethren, let us do all we can to show our obedience to God practically always.
HOLY SPIRIT, as learnt today, there are great benefits to enjoy when showing God obedience. Teach me therefore, how to show God that I am an obedient child to Him by my actions and behaviours in Jesus name.