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In concluding this series, we will use Apostle Paul’s encouraging words that say all things work together for good to those who believe in God and trust in Him (Rom. 8: 28). As Christians, the study of breaking and rebuilding aims at encouraging us to stand firm and strong with the mindset that God has a better place or position for us when He permits us to be broken completely from our world kind of glorious positions. A onetime very wealthy man who crashed completely, but bounced back to a greater wealth observed that he later realized that God pruned him of all the wealth illfully gotten from evil spirit for him to enjoy wealth gotten in righteousness to enjoy life with peace of mind. King David’s seed of adultery (the son birthed to him by Beersheba) was allowed to die so that he (David); will not be in continuous reminder of his sin.

There is this story of a woman of God, anointed with prophetic gifts but not too gifted with the knowledge of Bible verses. She became too dependent on a brother from another church who always supplies her with relevant Bible verses when she will be going to minister. One day, the young man died in road accident. The woman of God was broken and devastated, both spiritual and emotional. She cried to a man of God for consolation. But the man of God told her that God did this to rebuild her into studying and knowing Bible verses, by searching them out by herself. Today, the woman of God has developed skills of quoting scripture verses. She was first broken and then rebuilt to become fit in the army of the LORD in words and miraculous works.

When Job was passing through series of breaking processes, he somehow concluded that God was doing this to him because he was a sinner. He cried, complained and made several statements connoting that God might be unfair to him. It was after Job acknowledged that he knows nothing about the reason for his suffering; neither the wonderful things contained in his suffering that God began to restore all he lost (Job 42: 2 – 3). His seven sons and three daughters returned in higher dignities. The numbers of his sheep, camels, oxen and female donkeys were doubled for him (Job 42: 12 -13). He was actually rebuilt far better and stronger than when Satan began torturing him. The beloved in the LORD, see whatever you are passing through today as breaking processes. God will soon rebuild you in Jesus name.


HOLY SPIRIT, I have come to believe that I am at this time passing through breaking processes, grant me courage to stand till my rebuilding by God in Jesus name.


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