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Nature has, from the beginning of creation, made human beings, animals, reptiles and birds vectors of anger. This means they are carriers and transmitters of anger. Tendencies of getting angry are seen in all these creatures as they are often overtaken with rage and manifested it in fighting each other. Hens or cocks could wake up early morning to fight one another. Goats do fight each other as well as the wild animals. Human beings have greatest deposit of anger as they have severally demonstrated it in fighting selves, fighting wars and invested (anger) it in destroying one others’ properties. What is the truth here is that God built anger adrenaline into us humans and those other creatures.

This devotional agrees therefore, that human beings cannot do without getting angry as it is more of emotional reactions than other innate tendencies. Naturally, it will be favourably said that every human being can be angry. And for Christians as humans, every Christian can be angry. The thrust of this devotional is not in not to be angry, but in controlling anger or dealing with anger problems. Apostle Paul did not condemn one being angry either, but suggested ways of dealing with anger. He said in Eph. 4: 26a “be angry, and yet do not sin…” (NIV). What Apostle Paul meant is that we Christians can be angry, but we should not allow the anger to influence us to committing sin through the anger. One sins with anger when anger is allowed to progressed into wrath, then to violent reactions.

Apostle Paul pointed out that allowing oneself to dwell in anger amounts to giving opportunity to the devil. Anger is a platform with which devil gains entrance into our minds, prompting them up to react to anger uncontrollably. There is no much difference between a mad man and one possessed with uncontrollable anger. When anger takes control of a man he misbehaves senselessly beyond what a mad man can do. News reports globally contain cases of a man killing his wife through anger, a woman killing the husband through anger. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters have murdered each other through anger. The world presently is been overwhelmed with anger-related incidences resulting into total annihilations of human beings. Every nation today has terrible stories of seeds of anger that has given birth to total eliminations of tribes and races as well as great destruction extensive loss of lives.


Pray, asking God to give us the human beings hearts and minds which will not be dominated by uncontrollable anger. We need hearts and minds that will be protected from volatile anger in the name of Jesus Christ.


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