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It was learnt yesterday that the greatest major moral problem of the present world is inability to speak words of truth no matter how little. The globe is being ruled by lies, falsehoods, hypocrisy and adulterated philosophies which have turn the world upside down from what it used to be. Today, it has almost become impossible to tell the younger ones that speaking truth has great value. Christians who are children of God are to be encouraged to be speaking the word of truth. Any seed of lie, even though germinated usually dies back too soon. Truth does not die. The Bible says: “Truthful lips endure forever, but lying tongue lasts only for a moment” (Prov. 12: 19). The word of God is yea and amen. His word is purely truth and the Bible says God does not change, so His word too (Isa. 40: 8). Christians cannot afford not to stand in the truth. Jehovah is God of truth, Jesus Christ came to speak truth; the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth (John 14: 17).

Perhaps, one will want to know if there is any need to be truthful in this world. Could there be any gain in speaking words of truth in this present world? The devotional today will answer these questions Biblically. A faithful child should be one who does things that the father takes delight in. The Bible says that a lying lip is an abomination to the LORD, but those who deal faithfully (truthfully) are God’s delight (Prov. 12: 22). Speaking the word of truth makes God’s children abide in God’s Tabernacle and on His holy hill (Psa. 15: 1 -2 KJV). There is no doubt that if all mankind speak truth to one another as said in Eph. 4: 25 people in the world will leave in peace and without mistrust. The very important way to speak truth to everybody is speaking truth in Love (Eph. 4: 15).

The world should see speaking the words of truth as one of the solution to the growing crisis and misunderstandings engulfing the world these days. These days, many judiciaries have driven truth from the courts. Politicians have destroyed truth and turned their consciences from it. Religious leaders have trodden truth under their feet in their Holy Places. The media arm of the world that was said to be the sacred place of speaking truth is now the worst place to seek for truth. But for Christians, this devotional is saying no Christian should push out words of truth from their hearts and minds. Yes, many who speak the truth can be hated but we must do what God wants.


Pray and speak to your mind and heart today to be filled with Spirit of Truth and boldness to be speaking the truth in love in the name of Jesus Christy.


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