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There is always an aura of glorious atmosphere in involving group of people while doing something. This was seen by the author of this devotional at his early age way back 1966 when able bodied men gathered to appreciate an oldest man in a clan who had played fatherly roles for all of them. The early rising sun wore a cool ember colour. Shadows of trees depicted dreamlike scenery that might not be seen naturally. The chipping of birds overwhelmed the usual pageantries of the village people at such a festive time, crisscrossing welcoming neighbours into yet a new day. Over the in the air place where the men gathered was sited the oldest father of the clan receiving obeisance from the men. The smile upon the face of the oldest man was quite different. The men and their families walked to the oldest man, bowing for him and embracing him with words of thanks and appreciation. The scene was so glorious to witness.

King David seemed to understand what it would mean to God if he could gather his people in coming together to praise God and give Him thanks collectively. He said to his people: “Come let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song” (Psa. 95: 1 – 2 NIV). God feels excited any time people gather to praise Him collectively. The Bible says God inhabits in the praises of His people (Psa. 22: 3). Globally, children of God see the period from middle of November till the first two weeks of January appropriate for thanking God. This devotional recommended earliest that Christians can make the whole December month of every year for thanksgiving either collectively or individually to appreciate God.

In going to thank God, we must make sure we involve other people to come with us thanking God with us. There will always be much to thank God. Some believe that it is only when God did a wonderful miracle or blessed us with great things that we can thank Him. We learn lessons from whichever situation God allowed to come on our ways. If our loved one dies, it means God wants us to know that we too will die one day. Therefore, it will be good for us to build good relationships with people rather than enmities. If you suddenly run bankrupt after attaining great height of wealth, it means God wants to show you that money can develop wing any time. Therefore, you have to be prudent in spending at your bountiful days as well as investing in people who might turn to be your helpers when things turned bad at you. These lessons call for thanking God. Such thanksgiving will appeal to God more when we involve other people.


BLESSED FATHER, grant me an understanding heart to know how to be involving people in giving you thanks as frequently as possible. Holy Spirit, never allow me go to God in thanksgiving alone in the name of Jesus Christ.


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