Household enemy is considered more appropriate for deliverance study guide rather than daily devotional. But getting the knowledge of who is a household enemy will add more knowledge about roles play in a family by household enemy; as many seem to ignore the great dangerous things done in families by such agent. Bible has said that one perishes for lack of knowledge (Hos. 4: 6a). In deliverance ministries, household enemy as well as kindred witchcraft operatives are well known subject matters. It has been observed too that, many Christians have perished due to attacks manipulated or directly carried out in a family by household enemy. *Basic concern of this devotional is to explain to readers what household enemy is. It is actions put forth by members in one’s house or family. It can be a person playing witchcraft in a family under disguise.
Prophet Micah and Jesus Christ talked about household enemies specifically. Jesus Christ said “A man’s enemies will be those of his own household” (Matt. 10: 36 NKJV). While Prophet Micah said that “…a person’s enemies are the people in his own home (Micah 7: 6 ESV). In all ages, human beings have been contending with the problems of household enemies. Attacks from household enemy is one that many Christians are aware of, but shy away from tackling it headlong due to family bonds. Some decide to die in silence over household enemies than exposing them. Whether is admitted or not, household enemy has been responsible for major problems facing every family.
Household enemy is not just a biological brother, sister, brother, own son or daughter; father In-law or mother In-law. A household enemy includes any close or closest person to the family. This can be extended relative, house help who has stayed long in the family as well as an intimately related close neighbour too used to the family. A household enemy can admit spiritual sicknesses, diseases and deadly substance into the house. Household enemy acts as betrayal or dangerous informant to hired assassins, armed robbers as well as kidnappers etc.
It is very important to know how much havoc household enemy has caused people, how much tear families have shed curtsey of roles played by household enemy. Knowing what household enemy does to family will provide useful information to every living person and afford the person the wisdom to use in detecting the works of a household enemy. The Bible contains handful information of some household enemy. The devotional on this topic will touch some of these people and what they did in families. Keep a date with us for the subsequent series on household enemy.
FATHER, as I follow this devotional, make me know the roles of household enemy in my house or family in Jesus name.