DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: July 13 Topic: THE RIGHT Vision.Scriptures: 2 Cor. 4: 18; Habakkuk 2: 3
It is important for you to set out and achieve your purpose in life by pursuing what is the right vision for you. It is very easy to try to be like somebody else by copying what they do. The right vision authenticates your life. It takes you from being a mere copy; it stops you from synthetic living to the life which is authentic and real.
The right vision is fixing your eyes into the future, causing you to see beyond the natural into the supernatural realm. A man with the right vision cannot be stopped by his own limitation. It was having the right vision that made Oral Roberts to build a university though he never went to one. Having the right vision will help you to locate your precise calling in life and to pursue it. _But your vision must align with what is the mind of God for you, because if God is not in it; then you cannot achieve it (John 15: 5).
When you have the right vision, you have to be at the right (appropriate) place for the vision to be fulfilled. A right vision at the wrong place is effort in futility (1 Kings 17: 9). The right vision must be connected to God. So many ideas may go through your mind but not every of them are from God. Once a vision is from God, you are very sure of His backings. Other ways you can discover if a vision is from God and it is meant for you is: once it is birthed in your heart, even if there seems not to be a way before, there will be enough passion to bring you into your purpose._ It will help you to discover yourself. Have therefore, an eye on your future, enjoying fulfillment and conquering challenges that may arise against God’s plan for your life.
The right vision may not be consistent with the environment God shows you as the place you belong. It may not always be comfortable or convenient, but it demands perseverance, a staying on until the battle is won, until there is an achievement.
• Father God, give me the right vision for my life, position me at the appropriate place for the manifestation of my vision.
• I refused to be stop by my own limitation, help me to locate my precise calling and pursue it.
My life vision is authentic and real. My vision is connected to God.
I will persevere and stay on until the battle is won.