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Christianity is an organization well known for strictly built on the foundation of “rightness and uprightness” that a known member is not expected to be seen doing anything wrong. The believers in Christ and unbelievers have this golden knowledge at their hearts any day. Those hating Christians alleging them of parading evil doctrines and messages knew the truth, that real Christianity kicks against all nature of wicked acts, vices and immoral living. Christianity was not built on human wisdom and religion but came to be through someone’s wonderful and faultless characters. This great personality is JESUS. It was His spectacular faultless behaviours seen in His followers at Antioch that they gave them the name “Christians” meaning “Christlikeness” or those behaving like Christ. We are therefore, bringing this devotional series on “Ought to walk as Jesus Walked.”

One of the lead texts says: “Whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked” (1 John 2: 6 ESV). This point at saying there were unique or specific ways Jesus walked while in His days on the earth that Christians who say he/she abides in Him should walk. It is considered important to know what the Bible means by walk the way Jesus walked. This statement is not addressing the literal sense of the word “walk” which is moving about on foot at a moderate pace. It is pointing at following a certain course of life or to conduct oneself in a certain way. According to one Pastor Wesley L. Gerig the “to walk” can be translated in Hebrew expression as “to live.” The expression of “to walk” is used in Epistles of Paul and John referring to a “continuous mode of conduct or behaviour.”

Apostle John is therefore, saying that any person who says he abides in Christ ought to walk in the ways Christ walked. To abide in Christ is another action phrase meaning to remain in Christ or stay in close relationship with Christ. Those who profess belonging to Christ must be intimately closed to Him as “abiding in Christ pictures an intimate close relationship with Him. Biblically, “abiding in” carries the meaning of “remaining in or with continuously”._ One main thing all those who say they abide in Christ should be seen doing must be walking the ways He had walked. This injunction sounds simple to the ear but has proved too difficult for many Christians of this world. Being a follower of Jesus is not on proclamations but in manifestations through speeches, good works, living in righteousness and engaging in all things which concern virtuous characters. Only through these that one walks as Christ walked upon the earth.


HOLY SPIRIT, graciously stuff my inside with the walks of my LORD Jesus so that I can imitate Him and walk like He walked.


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