One Sharon Scott wrote exposition on Isaiah 9 about June 8, 2023 discussing walking in darkness and its consequences and revelations. This article is seen as useful to what our devotionals were building since three days now. According to Sharon Scott, Isaiah chapter 9 is a chapter in the Bible that speaks about the coming of a great leader who will bring light to the people living in darkness. This great leader is Jesus Christ as seen in Isa. 9: 6, 8. Sharon noted several consequences one will face if walking in darkness is chosen as option. Today’s devotional is using greater percentage of this article giving further clarity to dangers in walking in darkness as Christians. There are sure consequences in abandoning walking in the words of God preached and taught by Jesus Christ.
Greater population of the world always looks into her tomorrow with pictures of what it holds for her. Most often, many are struck with fear of uncertainties tomorrow present to them as the seen impossibilities. Dwelling on trying to see impossibilities with the world view usually makes one beginning to struggle with making things possible through personal strength. The consequences in this are negative feelings of lack of motivation or interest in doing anything. It also develops feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. The result seen here is difficulties in concentration or inability to take good decisions. One outstanding outcomes of this is that the person in this influence will be lured into use of substances. This consequence will not be seen by a Bible believing Christian. He/she will use the Bible passage that cautioned against being too anxious about what tomorrow will bring (Matt. 6: 34). Knowing that God can takes care of our tomorrow keeps us walking in the light of God.
Eyes are seeing what Satan is turning people too anxious of their tomorrow to in our present world of today. Many who want to acquire great riches and wealth have lost senses of good moral judgment. They now call evil good and good evil (Isa. 5: 20). The world tells them that the easiest ways to riches and wealth is eating human flesh, drinking human blood that God holds so sacred. In many countries today, people are being killed and have their bodies harvested and taken away for sales. We now live in a world dead to conscience just because one must be rich and wealthy. The Bible cautioned against too much love of money pointing out that those who follow the world doing so, usually wander away from God and pieced their souls with grief (1 Timothy 6: 10 INV)._
HOLY SPIRIT, I beseech you today to give me the Biblical understanding of “We bring nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it”. This will enable me run after wealth and riches according to the will of God my Father. I pray this in Jesus name.