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Yesterday’s devotional played around the explanation of spiritual worshipping in its simplest form. Jesus Christ told the Samarian woman that her generations worship the gods they do not know. Those worshipping idols do not know the gods they are worshipping unlike the Christians. Christians worship God through the leadings of the Holy Spirit. Any worshipping that is not led by the Spirit of God is not Spiritual Worship. Spiritual Worship is enveloped in the aura of the Holy Spirit that when rendering, the atmosphere is drenched with God’s presence. When this is not felt, the worship is not Spiritual.

Worshipping God in spirit realm come from a Hebrew word “halal” which carries meanings such as “to be clear”, “to shine”, “to celebrate” etc. This literally can mean worthy worship has to be clear in tones, shine in glowing power and reflects celebrating phenomenon. It is only a spiritually based worship that fits into the saying above. Spiritual Worship carries capacity of invoking God’s blessing on the worshippers. This is why worship has to be spiritually based rather than sensually based. Those who worship God sensually are those who pray to God, praise Him, speak words of adoration to God but only at lips’ level. Our churches need Spiritual worshippers rather than human entertainers.

Spiritual Worship is not only in worship songs and praises. We worship God through offering Him worthy sacrifices from our hearts and following His commandments righteously and faithfully. If you call yourself a child of God and still give sacrifices to other gods, giving due honour and reverence to idols or an authority apart from God, your worshipping is not spiritual. God never permitted Christians, even other human beings He created, to take the worship due to Him to carved images, statues, idols or fellow humans by bowing to them as one with highest authority casting away one’s mind from God. More of this will be seen in the devotional on “Believers and Vain Worship” tomorrow. Please, keep the date with us.


Holy Spirit of Jehovah Father, redirect my mind and heart to proper ways of worshipping Jesus Christ and the Almighty Father Spiritually all through my life on the earth in Jesus name.


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