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Devotional on “Bringing back integrity” is a message from God to the world in this January. Integrity is very supreme in anything in life. Many things that have gone wrong these days can still be put right if human beings bring back Integrity into whatever they are involved in.The world comes this way, dripping with tears of the oppressed, cries of the innocent people down trodden and the wailing of these totally neglected because respect for integrity has been thrown to the dogs. In the early days of the world, integrity was held in highest esteem by mankind; be it traditional, political and religious circles. One Pastor Michael Anderson said that “integrity is a fundamental value in the Bible, representing honesty, sincerity, and moral uprightness. It is a character trait that reflects God’s nature and is highly regarded throughout the scripture.”

It will be seen that our Lord Jesus Christ walked in integrity while on the earth. People watching Him attested to His integrity. Those who came to find out from Him if it is justifiable to pay tributes to Caesar said this of Him: “…Teacher, they said, we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in the truth. You aren’t swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are…” (Matt. 22: 16 – 17 NIV). Every human being should be able to know and teach the natural ways of his/her maker in truth. There are several laws related to leadership integrity with political leadership inclusive. The conscience in man condemns when we sin, when we err not doing the right things. Anyone who murdered a person runs away without being pursued. Children, adults and even leaders lied so as not to be punished.

A person of integrity will neither be swayed by fellowmen nor aligning self with people doing things against the ethics of life. This devotional desires that we human being do like Jesus Christ, integrity wise. _Looking at the Greek word which integrity is translated from will give us clear focus on how to lead our lives. In Greek the word integrity was derived from is qalethes”. This word carries attributes of true, genuine, reliable, trustworthy and valid. We human are to strive therefore, to follow things which are true, genuine, reliable, trustworthy and valid._ Everyone reading this devotional must try to inculcate integrity in anything being done. Whether a Christian, a politician, a religious person or traditionalist, we all teach or preach by what we speak or act. This takes us to a quote by Katrina Mayer which says: _“Integrity is making sure that the things you say and the things you do are in alignment.”


LORD JESUS CHRIST, be gracious to us and give us the portions of your integrity that will make us stand alone to do what is right in the eyes of God and those of our fellow beings. Amen.

CONTACT US: You can contact us for prayer requests or discussion through ubasimon341@gmail.com


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