As read yesterday, if every human being is guided with being sure that the things we say and things we do must align; and allow this to reflect in our thoughts and actions, integrity will take its roots deeper in policy making and implementations. Some present politicians found this very difficult to work with. If things seeing and hearing in social media, televisions, and print media and so on; truly reflect the actions of politicians, then, it can be concluded that political integrity has gone down the drains several centuries back. There are visible hands of cabals as well as unheard voices of dictators in the politics of the world these days. Political integrity should have allowed consistency of policies from one political generation to the other. Where there is a disconnect from a previous good policy of a political predecessor in the incumbent government, political integrity is no longer invoke.
King David in the Bible told Solomon his son to “…show yourself to be a man” as well as “to continue to walk in the ways of the Lord” as he, David has done. King David advised Solomon “to keep God’s statutes, commandments and the laws of Moses” if he must prosper. A new politician ascending leadership position who finds it easy to throw the good works of his predecessor lacks in integrity. In our second text from 1 Peter 2: 16 – 17, Apostle Peter warned the Christians not to use their freedom to do evil, rather, they are to respect everyone and love the family of the believers. Politicians in governments ought to borrow leaf from this passage. They are not to use their political freedom as an excuse to do evil. They are to follow the footsteps of their credible predecessors.
This devotional wishes to put it to all political leaders who do whatever pleases them, maul down anyone on their ways, autocratically and maliciously imposing themselves on the general populace to retract from their evil ways and love the families of humanity under them. When political integrity is given its genuine place, elections and electoral processes will be handled transparently. An integrity endowed political leader allows his/her government to be scrutinized by the public. An integrity political leader gives prominent opportunity to balance justices. An integrity politician stands by both his/her good ideas as well as the ideas of his/her people. This is why one Ayn Rand said and I quote: “Integrity is the ability to stand by an idea”. End of quote. Any politician who wins elections by either crooks or clean victory must know that his/her economic, political, moral, social and spiritual integrities matter a lot. He/she should know his/her actions will be judged by God and fellow human beings.
Pray that God checks on our politicians to see where they are erring and grant them soundness of mind to change so as to escape God’s and human judgments in Jesus name.
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