DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: FEBRUARY 2 SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW (2) Scripture: John 3: 16; Romans 6: 23; 1 John 5: 13
As seen in yesterday’s devotional, being bothered to know more things or new things in life occupies the minds of people more than anything else. It has driven mankind to search for powers, natural and alternative knowledge. Many delved into digging into knowing more about life in the spheres of Spiritism, mysticism, demonology and…
There is no doubt that the greatest quest human beings are bothered with, is the desire to know things. Daily, every living person feels the inadequacies of not knowing certain mystery or why things happen around him or her enough. We humans are pre-occupied with the desire to know why certain things happen, why…
DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JANUARY 31 SOWING TO REAP (2) Scripture: Genesis 26: 12 –13; Matthew 13: 1 – 8; 18 – 24
In reading through Genesis 26: 12 – 13, the lead text of yesterday’s devotional, we will see that Isaac sowed seed into the land where the natives had sown but got nothing and he reaped a hundred times over. We must know that Isaac might had invested his agricultural knowledge, acquired techniques and personal…
DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JANUARY 30 SOWING TO REAP (1) Scripture: Genesis 26: 12 – 13; 2 Corinthians 9: 6 – 11
This topic of discussion is looking at another side other than the conventional believe generally taught and preached on “sowing and reaping.” The popular phrase of sowing and reaping tends to tell people that how much one gives to God determines how bountiful rewards God showered on the giver. This devotional is not trying…
DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JANUARY 29 SOWING SIPRITUAL UNITY (3) Scripture: John 10: 30; Phil. 2: 2 – 4
The last paragraph of yesterday’s devotional pointed out that sowing spiritual unity might not be that easy since the evil forces are afraid of unity amongst Christians. But as Christians, we are enjoined to strive for sowing spiritual unity amongst ourselves and other people. Today’s devotional is addressing why sowing spiritual unity is important….
DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JANUARY 28 SOWING SIPRITUAL UNITY (2) Scripture: Gen. 11: 6; Rom. 15:5; Phil. 2: 2
As seen in yesterday’s devotional, no nation, tribe, community or an association can stay in peace void of established unity amongst their people. In Christendom, unity is a force that Satan fears most. Satan and his groups are always out to distort existence of unity. So, he is busying sowing seeds of discord amongst…
DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JANUARY 26 UNDER THE POWER OF HIS MIGHTY HAND (2) Scripture: Psalm 91: 1 – 2; Ephesians 1: 19 – 20
Against every powerful hand of our opponents, there exists another Powerful one from the Almighty God. He alone has the absolute power that saves, rescues and delivers people from their predicaments. God is He who comes to our aids when things become too deadly, even when we do not remember to call upon Him….
DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JANUARY 21 WALKING IN OPEN HEAVEN (3) Scripture: Isaiah 6: 1 – 6; John 1: 47 – 51
In this third part of the Walking in Open Heaven devotional, we will be looking at how knowing God as all powerful; and all-knowing so as to turn to Him results in “Open Heaven.” Whether we take “open Heaven” as favour from God to receive Spiritual matter from Him or opportuned to receive Spiritual…
One of the most phrases use among Christians of the 21st Century is “Open Heaven.” In life, there will be a time someone keeps experiencing various shades of difficulties, hardships, total lockdown in businesses, health crisis and disasters upon disasters. On the other side, another person will be seen harvesting good luck at every…
DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JANUARY 18 YOU CAN COME OUT OF THE PIT (3) Scripture: Job 33: 26, 28 – 30; Psalm 40: 1 – 2
This third and concluding part on the series of “You Can Come Out of The Pit” aims at offering steps to take so that one comes out of the pit dug for him/her by evil forces. In this discussion, the evil pit symbolizes the “bottomless Deep”. This could mean the endless sufferings, recurring sicknesses,…