Many of us have severally either rejected ourselves or grieving over the conditions we are inside in utmost dismay. This could be that we never reflected positively on how God thought of us before molding us into human beings. From the creation account in Genesis 2: 7, we know that God made us, molded Adam, our first father from clay. As Adam’s offsprings, we are also made of dust Today’s devotional is telling us that we are clay in the hands of God. Teachings and preaching on “A Clay in the hands of God” is relevant in so many directions as far as Christian knowledge and reasons are concerned. It fits into encouraging Christians to bear sufferings, It also fit into discussion on knowing that as Christians, God is our potter, therefore, He can do whatever He chooses with us. Today’s devotional is picking on the latter. We Christians neither become human beings on personal choice nor be who we are on the earth on personal choices.
Biblically, there will be no doubt that we are clay molded into humans. Apostle Paul knew this when he called us “earthen vessels” (2 Cor. 4: 7). God who molded us into human beings apportioned to us whom we should be. Many might not agree with this assertion. But it stands the truth. We have no legal right to ask God why He makes us in the ways we are. Prophet Isaiah seems to be interceding for the Israelites on realizing that they have sinned against God. He asked God not to punish them appropriately because He (God) is their potter and they are clay in His hands. His words implied that God should remember His labour that brought Israelites into being. The first thing we Christians must note so that we do not respond negatively when things are not working well to our expectation is that our original stuff is of “cheap materials” like the clay.
Like the natural clay, we remain cheap materials and worthless until God molds us into honourable human beings. We remain unattractive till God touches us, makes us into the exact and the nature of person He desired. We cannot attain any real transformation until God finished working on us. The truth being expressed here is worth knowing by Christians and none Christians since God created us all. Dwelling on this truth should guide us not to boast over others as well as thinking ourselves inferior to others. If we are clay in the hands of God, He can crush us into any ugly shape any day and any time. Being clay in the hands of God ought to give us wisdom that those who are rich, wealthy or politically powerful can be brought low tomorrow. All of us should have the knowledge Job had and pray in line with his prayer saying: “Remember, I pray that you have me like clay. And will you turn me into dust again?” This can literally mean ‘since you have made me a great person before, will you make me look wretched again?’
FATHER LORD, knowing that I am clay in your hands, I plead for your grace, that you should not remold me into worthless person again in Jesus name.